13 December 2022, 10.30-12.00pm
Workshop 2: Civil Society Perspectives On the Externalisation of EU Borders in the African Continent
The borders of the European Union (EU) no longer find their limit within the continent. The EU has in the last years concluded several agreements with West African states to enable the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) to carry out border management missions in countries like Niger and Senegal. The objective is clear: prevent flight and migration of Africans towards the European continent, even though approximately 85 per cent of migration movements that occur in West Africa is either circular or seasonal.
In this workshop, we will explore how the EU conducts its border management in the African continent and the direct consequences this externalisation policy has for West African economies. In the second part, representatives of African and European civil society organisations will exchange on the activities they have been conducting to address the negative effects it has for migrants in the region.
Please register here. The event will take place via Zoom. You will receive the dial-in data with the registration confirmation.
We look forward to your participation!
For further questions, please contact Andressa Barp Seufert: a.seufert@venro.org