30 November 2022, 10.30-12.00pm
Workshop 1: The Way Ahead A GFMD Under Africa-European Co-Chairmanship: Challenges and Opportunities for Civil Society
The Global Forum for Migration and Development (GFMD) was created in 2007 as an informal intergovernmental process to support shaping the global debate on migration and development. It aims to enable a flexible space for member states and observers of the United Nations (UN) to discuss about multi-dimensional aspects of these two areas. The GFMD process allows different stakeholders, such as civil society, private sector, local governments, and youth to analyse sensitive issues, share policies and practices and pose new solutions.
Each cycle of the GFMD has a duration of around 18 months and is chaired by UN member states. The period of 2022-2023 is co- chaired by France and Senegal and offers a valuable opportunity to deepen the discussions on migration from Africa to Europe. In this sense, this workshop will approach the structure of the current GFMD, its thematic priorities and engagement mechanisms. In the second part, we will exchange on the challenges and opportunities for African and European civil society organisations to engage in this framework.
Please register via our registration tool. The event will take place via Zoom. You will receive the dial-in data with the registration confirmation.
We look forward to your participation!